Free children’s classes during Crush Festival

Cherie Curtis (aka Cheryse Durrant) will present five free writing workshops at the Carinbundi Children’s Crush Day at the Central Qld University from 9am until 3pm on Sat, Oct 19.
Children can choose from one or all of the below workshops
Bookings can be made by visiting this website.

Free Children’s Workshops: Carinbundi Children’s Crush Day
1. Brainstorming and the Story Box – recommended age group Years 4-7

Story ideas jump up and down inside our head like popcorn in a hot saucepan, but how do we choose which ones to use for our story and how do we gather them together before we start to write. Workshop includes Clear away the Cobwebs brainstorming and utilising the story box.

2. The Tasty Story Recipe – recommended age group Years 5-7
Stories must have a beginning, middle and an end but what are the secrets to creating structure to a story so people want to start reading at the start, stay interested and are satisfied with the ending.

3. Discovering Our Senses – recommended age group Years 4-7
See, hear, feel, touch and taste. All these ingredients are important in creating a believable story world. Tutor Cherie Curtis takes children on a journey to rediscover their senses – and how to include them in their stories.

4. Creating Story Magic – recommended age group Years 5-7
Tutor Cherie Curtis provides you with a bag of plot tricks that can help you write your story from beginning to end. This hands-on workshop will focus on writing the first scene of a short story.

5. Cast Me Under Your Spell – recommended age group Years 6-7
Your choice of words help bring your storyworld to life. This advanced class reveals vital storywriting tips including how to show not tell, and how to choose active words and sentences.

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