Writing Classes Program

The Creative Dragons’ weekly Creative Writing Classes for Kids and Teenagers program is currently on hiatus.

Creative Dragons mascot, dragon hatching, artist "iimages" via www.123rf.comHowever, author Cherie Curtis (aka Cheryse Durrant) is available for half-day or full-day workshops, at various locations in Queensland, but only by emailing cherie(at) creativedragons (dot) com (dot) au

Mrs Curtis is a seasoned journalist and award-winning author who has taught classes for the renowned Queensland Writers Centre. She has presented workshops at state and national levels for many events including GenreCon, the Romance Writers of Australia and the Australian National Science Fiction Convention.

Mrs Curtis is passionate about people who love reading and/or writing. She adores having fun, writing stories and using her imagination for all sorts of naughty and nice things. Above all, she thinks it’s always important to make friends with dragons.

Online courses are also available through Creative Dragons. Please email Mrs Curtis to be added to her Creative Dragons mailing list, or you can contact her with your specific writing needs.

Students: To register for the Creative Dragons writing classes, download this form here or email Mrs Curtis at cherie (at) creativedragons (dot) com (dot) au. Please note there is a limit of 12 children per class so book early to avoid disappointment.

4 thoughts on “Writing Classes Program

  1. Tabitha Murphy

    Cherie’s ability to relate to children makes her a wonderful writing teacher. Writing good stories is not just about having a thorough knowledge of the English language (which she does have) but more about exploring our imagination and how we perceive and interpret. Cherie is excellent at helping children do this and get in touch with their creative side.

    1. admin

      Thanks for visiting my website, Tabby, and sharing your knowledge of my skills. I love spending time with your daughters and giving wings to their imagination. It’s beautiful to see your children treasuring their books and exploring the English language through stories.

  2. jeanieinparadise

    I have just found your little corner of the neighbourhood (via a link in a link in a link…) and I am so excited that you are offering this. May well nudge my “little” girl in your direction for this. She LOVES to write.

    1. admin

      Thanks for your kind words, Jeanie, and lovely to meet you here. Creative Dragons has been a long-term vision and it’s nice to see it coming to fruition – with lots more exciting chapters happening in the next few years! BTW, I loved your blog. Thanks for visiting 🙂


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